Friday, January 14, 2011

7 Bridges Corollary

Another problem very close to the 7 Bridges is the one where one must cross every wall once and only once. Again very hard to imagine without a picture.

There is a famous spot in Florida in the middle of NOWHERE called Yahoo Junctions. It is where the Turnpike and Rt 60 meet (just south of Orlando). The only thing that is there is a restaurant where everyone stops to use the bathroom.

On the counter they have this game where you have to cross every wall once and only once. But it is impossible. It can be proven impossible with Euler 7 Bridges odd and even vertices solution.

The cook and waitress had been trying to beat that little game for 20 yrs. They were so relieved when i told them it was impossible, that they give me FREE coffee whenever i stop there on the way to Miami from Tampa (of course now adays we take I-75 that stop is even deader now then it was back then).

Let see draw a Rectangle then a line through the middle parallel to the top and bottom. So now you should have two long rectangles.

Next we add 3 walls. 2 on the bottom perpendicular to the base, making three rooms on the bottom.

And one more little wall on the top rectangle perpendicular to the top base making 2 bedrooms. For a total of 5 bedrooms. (2 bedrooms on top of 3 bedrooms)

Now try to cross every wall once and only once...GOOD LUCK !! IF you get it right i will buy you a coke.

(check out the picture at the bottom of this page)

By the way, if you move the wall on the top over to the right, it can be done.

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